overhead expenses|overhead expense in English

general costs associated with running a business (i.e. rent, heating, taxes, etc.)

Use "overhead expenses|overhead expense" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overhead expenses|overhead expense" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overhead expenses|overhead expense", or refer to the context using the word "overhead expenses|overhead expense" in the English Dictionary.

1. Factory overhead does not include administrative and selling expenses but includes depreciation expense.

2. These expenses are sometimes classified as manufacturing overhead, selling and distributive overhead, and general and administrative overhead.

3. Allocating Program and Overhead Expenses : The Lloyd A

4. These costs may include material, labor, freight, or other overhead expenses.

5. Overhead expenses such as indirect labour, materials and supplies, and general and administrative expenses were also eligible.

6. Overhead Costs of indirect labour and benefits, general and administrative expenses are eligible.

7. *We have allocated the cost of administrative and other overhead expenses to each subactivity.

8. The same Web site was used for the plant overhead and selling and administrative expenses.

9. Overhead check clear!

10. Adjustable overhead rocker cam

11. An aircraft droned overhead.

12. The plane flew overhead.

13. An airplane droned overhead.

14. A plane flew overhead.

15. Overhead smash , overhand smash.

16. The trees arch overhead.

17. Hydro - electricity in India involved heavy overhead expenses in view of the seasonal nature of the monsoon .

18. The savings would be derived largely from a reduction in management and administrative overhead and building expenses.

19. In the overhead bin

20. Overhead transmission for adsl modems

21. A buzzard soared high overhead.

22. A buzzard was circling overhead.

23. The starry heavens stretched overhead.

24. It's all extremely low overhead.

25. A plane passed low overhead.